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Tips for Success in a Candidate Driven Market

29th September 2022 – by Kate Pocock
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What is a candidate-driven market?

If you have tried recruiting recently, you will know exactly what this means! A candidate-driven market is exactly what it says on the tin – where the candidate is often in the driving seat, has multiple offers on the table and can command a higher salary and benefits package because of the position they are in. With unemployment at an all-time low, employers need to add candidate attraction and staff retention to the top of their agenda.

This is not to say it is an impossible task, there will always be movement in the job market of staff at all levels due to natural progression, changing priorities, geographical movement, family situations, the list goes on, but there are some things that both employers and candidates should bear in mind when going through the recruitment process to help themselves in the medium to long term.

Advice for candidates in a candidate market

  • Treat people how you would like to be treated, you may hold a few more cards in your deck at this point, but this will not always be the case!
  • Think carefully before you start the process, do your homework on potential employers and whether you think the company culture / job role / team fit will be right for you.
  • Give open and honest feedback to potential employers/career consultants about any concerns, these fears may be unfounded and can easily be put to bed to save making mistakes that will be on your CV forever.
  • Keep lines of communication open, even if you have decided against working with a company, it is important that you communicate this. The industry is small and although we know life happens sometimes, manners and common courtesy are free and go a long way to ensuring you maintain your professional image for future connections.
  • How you behave before, during and after the interview process counts.

Advice for employers in a candidate market

  • Don't hang around making decisions, keep the interview stages as condensed as possible to maintain momentum, this is especially important with a passive candidate.
  • When interviewing, provide the candidate with a clear view of what the role entails and, where applicable, discuss any career progression opportunities available within the company.
  • Sell your business and the opportunity you are offering to candidates; they have lots of choice out there and you need to promote your business as a great place to work.
  • Know a candidate's true worth to your business and don't try and get them on the cheap as this is generally a false economy.
  • Review the salary and benefits package that is offered to ensure you are in line or better than comparative roles elsewhere.
  • If a candidate accepts your job offer, make sure you stay in regular contact with the candidate during their notice period. It's sometimes worth including them in the odd meeting, team event and introducing to them to their new team prior to the start date.
  • Don't be fooled into thinking that once a new employee is onboarded that the job is done. Onboarding is crucial and will make a massive difference to how quickly you may need to start the recruitment process all over again!
  • Deliver what you promise, keep staff retention at the forefront of your business goals.

If you need some help to grow your team, Cultura Connect can help you navigate the recruitment process, providing a complete consultancy service from deciding who it is you need to help grow your business, through to shortlisting candidates following our rigorous multi-stage interview process. We know the industry and the challenges faced across the sector which puts us in a great position to pinpoint which candidates could succeed in your business.

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