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Top Tips for Interview Success

10 Top Tips on how to give yourself the best chance at interview

  • Prepare thoroughly. Find out as much as you can about the company, with in-depth research, not just a scroll through its website. Find out about recent successes, the company's products or services, their competitors and USPs. What is the company culture like?
  • Write down any questions you think of to ask in your interview. A well thought out question shows you are engaged in the process and have a genuine interest in the organisation.
  • Check your social media platforms for anything that might cause embarrassment. Potential employers may do their research on you too.
  • Read interview instructions thoroughly. There may be important detail on who is conducting the interview, what it will involve and any preparation you need to do.
  • Dress appropriately for the role. Your research into company culture will help inform this, but if you are unsure ask the Cultura Connect team for advice. First impressions really do matter.
  • For in-person interviews always factor in extra time to allow for any delays and to find where you need to be.
  • If you are invited to a video interview on Zoom or Teams, ensure that you are in a quiet setting with a stable internet connection. Also, check that you have the link or email invitation to hand and that it didn't disappear from your inbox after you accepted it!
  • In your interview try to relax, be positive, show enthusiasm, but most importantly, be yourself. Interviewers are not trying to catch you out; they want to get to know you, so be authentic. Afterwards make notes while the meeting is still fresh in your mind so you can give solid feedback to the Cultura Connect team on how it went.
  • Avoid questions on salary and benefits in the early stages. If you are applying via Cultura Connect, we will have discussed a salary range with you and the client. Therefore if we have put you forward for a role you can rest assured that the salary will be in the right ballpark.
  • If invited to a second interview do some further research based on what you discussed at the first interview. Do not become complacent, they will be expecting more from you at this stage, and you will be up against other shortlisted candidates who obviously all impressed at the first interview stage!

Good luck!

Cultura Connect

Cultura Connect

01948 818448

Company Reg: 12318833

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